13 John Sposato from Syracuse, NY, USA: The show actually ran until fall 1994.
Crowden passed on last October. He is missed.
Thought of getting the series one DVD but its too early days for me.
Few PBS stations air the show anymore. Mine stopped after seven years time ages ago. The library had the DVDs so I was able to see everyone at Bayview again.
If theres ever a US version, it'd be set in Florida as its full of over-60s, especially on the East Coast! Still, you can never repeat the magic of the original, can you?
I wasn't sure if the show was filmed at BBC House, but I know some of it was done about 90 miles west in Farmoor, Oxfordshire, not Bournemouth, Dorset.
I've got a tape of two Series 2 episodes I got from the local PBS franchise after paying towards their pledge drive. Shows the limit of VHS! How times have changed!
Its hard to choose a favourite moment. So much of it was a right laugh. Dianas a curmudgeon, but you can't help but love her!
12 kate from oklahoma city USA: Just started watching the show on late nite PBS. Love it. I'm now 73 and want to be Diana and say exactly what I thing, and damn the torpedos!! Hope they both are alive and having a ball!
11 Twyla from Arizona: Does anyone know if Janine Duvitski who played "jane" was pregnant in real life during season 4 of the show?
10 Tamela Payne from Lynwood, California: I saw that people are asking for Waiting for God on DVD. Well, I saw on a website, when I was looking this up, that Amazon.com, has this on DVD. You might find what you are looking for, and I do love the show on KOCE channel 50. I think the show is great and everyone on it. Especially Harvey.
9 Mary from Ireland: Absolutely love this show, favourite episode is when harvey proposes to jane the first time and she rejects him brilliant especial about the silent p.
8 eviltwin from north carolina, USA: this is one of the best shows i have ever watched! i wished they would put it out on dvd! i would love to own the whole thing!! Harvey is the kewlest ever! I love how Jane adores him, i know i do as well!!
7 patricia mclaughlin from hampshire: I heartily concur with Dr Owen and his wife. The first time the series was shown I managed to record most of it. I played it almost every night as I prefer to watch something humerous before I retire. But the tapes have been played so many times that they broke. Fortunately, I have managed to record most of the current showing, except when I had to go on holiday. If I had known that this was to be shown then I would have changed my holiday dates. Please, please, could we have prior notice when, hopefully, the series is to be repeated or episodes shown - in the Sky mag perhaps.
6 Dexter Robinson from USA: This is my favorite British comedy series - several PBS stations have shown it over here. Would love to see the entire series available on DVD. Public library has a few episodes on VHS. I have about 30 "choice" MP3 audio snippets saved on CD that I have enjoyed playing for friends. The acting and writing are terrific!
5 Wanda Strong from USA: I would also like to add that Daniel Hill has fans in the US also. We do have a fan club on Web for him and would like to see more of him too.
4 Rosemary Roberts from Essex: I love the fact that Daniel Hill does such a wonderful rendition of Tony Blair before Tony Blair had even been heard of. I would like to see more of him (Hill, that is).
3 pat marsh from north wales: My two sons never miss waiting for god they like it when havey is pull down a peg or two my youngest son loves the tune to it as well long live waiting for god
2 Wanda Strong from USA: I have seen Waiting For God on our PBS station. I found this website, and thought I would tell you, that I think that Waiting For God is one of the best ones that I have ever seen. The acting, writing, and directing really came together to create a great show. Is there any chance that more of the shows will be available on DVD's?
1 Simon Betts from Ipswich: My favourite Waiting For God memory is that I went to the BBC Television Centre twice to see two episodes being recorded. Both days were excellent and it was great to see it being recorded and all the mistakes (that you don't see!) too! I wish they would bring it back!