64 judith from Scranton PA: This is one of my all time favorie shows. For years I have been trying to identify the episode in which McCall has to decide if this woman that looks/talks exactly like Manon is REALLY Manon. She has so much information that McCall really is close to thinking it IS Manon. I think they are both being held in some sort of captivity.There is a deciding moment where only the REAL Manon would know one detail and McCall pulls that "card" even tho the result could be so devastating to him. ie that it wouldn't be his beloved Manon. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THIS SCENE? I would love to hear what you remember.
63 alice boley from van wert ohio USA: I can't pick one special moment from the series. All of them were great and it seems when they have a good series going it gets cancelled. Long live the EQUALIZER
62 William Hart from San Antonio, TX: I've only seen the first season, it recently had come out on DVD and my mother bought it for me because she knew I love revenge stories.
This show is absolutely amazing, it sums up so much of what I feel in society. Yeah Batman is great for fighting super villains and all but the Equalizer steps in for the single mother fending off a psychopath. He goes to the individuals in desperation and removes the clouds from their world. He's an inspiring hero and the seedy, dark intro lets you know this is not some joke or light hearted fight he's involved in.
I suppose it boils down to the fact that I wish I could be him, that there were people out there who would stand up and crush the scum out of existence. To protect the people who are out of options. I look forward to one day seeing the other seasons. Long live the Equalizer!
61 Marcia Kohring from Jacksonville, FL USA: The Equalizer is a fantasic series. I wasn't able to see the original in the 80's because of working. I started to watch about two months ago and now Sleuth Channel has taken it off. I like the series so much I bought the DVD Colletion. Mr. Woodward is a great actor. He also showed up in Gullivers Travels and A Christmas Carol. Great Actor and a pleasure to watch. I definitely will look for more of his works.
Thank you, Mr. Woodward
60 Dana Sullivan from Ohio USA: What can I say? This was my all-time favorite series. I still have all the tapes fromits original airing in h]the 80s. A couple of rfriends of mine even published a newsletter called EQZ NEWSLINE. We kept it going a couple of years. We have original interviews with James McAdams, he produced the series for Universal. We also got to intreview some of the regulars and EW. I know what the writers on this site mesn about Woodward's acting ability. He is dead-on as McCall! One of my favorits scenes was the one about the child pornography ring. McCall finds out who is doing the photography and Robert confronts him in his studio. It's a super scene because Robert lets it all go! But the best scene is really the one right after that. McCall discover the person who is actually paying for the porno and gets to him in hi penthousr apartment during a party with his wealthy friends. Robert nails him infront of all his astonished friends and has to be restrained. If you haven't seen this, check it out. I found out recently that there is to be an Equalizer Movie. I can't imagine anyone else playing the part of of McCall:Woodward was just too good. One good thing that might come out of it is that Universal might finally put out DVDs of this great series. I can't imagine why it hasn't already done so. If you're interested Universal Studios and ask them to get on the stick. Thanks to the stuntman who took the time to write about his contact with EW on the set. I guess that proves that McCall was so classy because Woodward is a class act himself.
59 Rhonda Evrett from Exeter,Ca: I watch the reruns Mon-fri, Edward Woodward, was a sexy man. It was one of my favorite shows. I was sad when they cancelled it. I love watching the reruns.
58 Mike James from Atlantic, Iowa USA: What a well written, well produced program. Two constants that stick out in my mind; The McCall character seemed to dislike his former "Company" history almost as much as he dislike the criminals/bad guys that he tracked down each week. Also, don't we all deserve a friend like Mickey Kostmayer?
57 Alyce from Anchorage, AK, USA: I just wanted to wish Mr. Woodward a very happy 75th birthday. I'm trying to find episodes I can buy of The Equalizer on video. I love the subtle "inside" jokes -- like in the episode where they were looking for a bookie joint that had been located behind a funeral home, and they expressed surprise at the lack of security, his partner said "Yeah, it IS a little dead in here." I wish him well on his birthday, and wish him many more.
56 Julie Richardson from Cumbria: I loved this series so much & I still have the episodes that I taped from the tv. I especially enjoyed the episodes featuring Richard Jordan playing Harley Gage. He was superb in "Christmas Presence" & "Innerview".
55 steve davis from london england: where do you start, the best bits for me was Woodwood's voice when he got angry. He sounded so menacing. One with John Goodman in stands out, woodwood asking this guy what made him a judas and he was going to break him, piece by nasty little piece, - classic.
China Rain when he uses the recording of machine gun fire to throw the bad guys was memorable.
Ta for a great show.
54 Freda Bois from Australia: Oh Mickey and Robert! ...where are you when we most need you? Here in Australia we do not get to see re-runs of this wonderfully acted and well-written program, not even on pay-TV. Here, we only have memories of favourite moments...luckily for me, there are many precious memories to recall. This fine program has obviously made an impression on not just me, but many others. Keith Szarabajka, over the past few years, I've followed your path and kept up to date with information about you on the net. Keep up the wonderful work and please continue to share with us your wonderful talent.
53 Neil Robinson from Scunthorpe: I think the best episode of this series was when robert was trying to find out why a gang of men were against deaf people and when he found out who was behind he made them feel how it felt to be deaf.
52 John Mack from Tucson, AZ: Kristen! Hello!
The episode you were in is called "Regrets Only"
"A young woman trying to start her life over faces continuing harassment from her upscale, professional husband who won't let her go but who is smart enough to conceal his activities. Original air date was March 30 1988.
51 Armando Rosa from Puerto Rico: There is one episode of this show that I cannot forget. Not only because it had a Puertorican actress (Cordelia González) playing her part beautifully, but because it had one of the most painfull scenes I've ever seen in a t.v. series (and I've seen many). A young girl calls the paramedics, they answer the call but on the way they stop to help some drunken bum. This delay means that when they arrive to the girls home, she is still alive, but now it is too late to save her. They find her siting on a bed I believe, and by looking at her it doesn't seem like anything is wrong. Until we see how hurt this lovely young girl is. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I do remember it caused a very strong impresion on me. And I've been watching shows since the 60's. The episode is like a thriller - I would love to see it again.
50 Robert Conlon from Australia: The Equalizer got me through a difficult period of life while studying to become a professor of economics. I wear a coat like the Equalizer at home.
49 Matt from Sacramento, Ca: The Equalizer symbolizes for me all that can be good in TV: make a timeless, memorable story with characters that we feel compelled to both love and feel sorrow towards. McCall's weekly struggle with his inner demons and inability to break away from them drew me in every week.
48 Kristin McCracken from Pennsylvania, USA: When i was about 6 years old (1987), I played a part in an episode of The Equalizer. My character, Jody Foxworth (I think that is the last name), watched as her mother tried to hide from her husband, and Edward Woodward was sent to help her. I cannot remember the name of this episode and I was wondering if anyone could help me?
47 Lance from Chicago: The Equalizer was a great action show back in the 80's. Seeing this show dissuaded me from joining the CIA due to how Robert McCall's life had so many nightmares.
46 DW from New York: Looking for EQUALIZER tapes to trade.
45 Charles from Jacksonville, FL: The Equalizer is the best action TV show of all time. Can someone please tell me the brand and model of hand gun that Robert McCall uses on the show.
44 Shawn from Wales: Very bit was at the end of an episode when McCall and Control had their usual banter...
M: The more things change the more they stay the same...oh, Genesis.
C: Do you remember Pabloma?
M: Erm, Gerhard Riechmann.
C: No, it was after that. That's why you left isn't it? Well I had the most miraculous five days you ever heard of, Susan joined me, and we went to see the bulls run. And I forgot who I was Robert, I forgot what I was there for. I almost signed up for Matador school, I thought I could run away from all it, but then Susan ran away from me and, two days later, I was back in berlin chasing phantoms again. I never could watch another bull fight. I guess I haven't missed anything.
M: We missed everything.
C: I know Robert.
Classis scene - I really love those McCall/Control exchanges.
43 Sgt.CandiOBelleUSAR from Atlanta,Ga(now)!!!: I'm looking to buy a few show on CD or video. I used to be w/The USNavy SpecWrfGrp,so,
"Mickey" the character was
always interesting to us..
42 Terrell Manasco from Jasper AL: This is my all time favorite show. I have fond memories of watching it in the mid-eighties. I was beginning college then and now that The Hallmark Channel is running the show, it's like reliving those days all over again. Absolutely a wonderful and exciting show. I love the episodes with Mickey Kostmayer and Jimmy the best, and the ones with Control and Jason. I always said if I saw this show on TV again I would record it and now I can. I have been taping the reruns on Hallmark since they started a few months ago. Mr. Woodward is a wonderful actor!
Great plot twists and action and shooting in New York gave it a gritty realism.
41 Alisa from USA--Virginia: I'm so jealous that you folks get to watch my FAVORITE show on a regular basis!! All I have are videotapes from A&E network from 5 years ago.
I have to say, this truly was my favorite show of all time. I was so thrilled to see EW on "La Femme Nikita" playing her father--how apropos!! I miss the show terribly and recently pulled out all my tapes, but it's just not the same!
It's great to see so many people still love this show!
40 Richard Bickley from Birmingham: One of the favorite moments from The Equalizer is an episode, I am not sure its name, but it is set in an around Christmas. It is at the end of the show where McCall returns to his apartment and stands in front of his Christmas Tree humming a traditonal christmas song. He is on his own with a letter to say that his son will behome for the holiday. That I found very striking and sums up a lot of feelings about that season of the year.
Moving on I would just like to tell you of a brief encounter I had with Mr Woodward. Shortly after his Heart Attack, I was working for a medical company, and had business at the Hospital in Warwick where he was taken. Now I know I shouldn't, butmy job allowed me to access parts of the Hospital others could not get to. I found Mr Woodwards room and stuck my head round the door. I only stayed breifly as he was quite poorly, but suffice to say that our brief chat was really good. Quick talk about the series. He was though very tired, so I wished him well, and he thanked me for making the effort to see him which I thought was very nice of him.
39 Geoff Hegedus from London and now USA: I saw Edward Woodward playing at the Richmond Theatre. At one point in the play he walked around contemplating a thought without speaking, you could hear a pin drop. Afterwards, I met him and he graciously signed my Callan book and took a picture with me. The film got jammed and was ruined !
38 Andrew Robertson from Australia: The Equalizer has to be, quite simply, one of the best shows ever made! One of my favourite moments was when The Equalizer delivers the following line: "You are scum, you make everything you touch dirty..." I love that line and I try to throw it into the occasional sentence at work. The only problem for me is that I'm an accountant and my colleagues just tend to look at me rather strangely. I love The Equalizer. Wow - what a show. I thought The Equalizer and Mickey Kostmayer made a great team. I wonder if Mr Woodward and Mr Szarabajka could get together and work on something? I reckon that would have the potential to be brilliant.
37 Larry Stand from Most Places: My favorite moment was when
The Equalizer confronted the 3
rapists in the subway.The scene breaks away and we hear
3 quick shots.We can only assume the men have met justice in the form of a Walther PPK/S
36 Max Hydrogen from Reality: The Equailizer is absolutley one of the best T.V. shows ever. The relationships between the charaters made the show so engaging like Mcall and his son, Mcall and Kostmeyer, Mcall and Jimmy and espacially Mcall and Control! That relation always enthralled me, I mean, Control always has something hidden from Mcall and yet they are old friends.
What I find engenius about the show was that it could never get old because they could do episodes about Mcall helping people and then do one where he's once again envolved with the "company" they could switch back and forth to keep it interesting.
I love the psychological elements of the showlike when Kostmeyer is kidnaped and brainwashed to think he is a traitor "JUDAS!!" or when that women may or may not be Manon and we never find out or when that WWII guy recreates a botched tunnel escape from a P.O.W camp.
A great aspect of the show was the guest stars. A hell of alote of big actors from the 90's did episodes when they weren't famous yet like Laurence Fishburn in that Neo-Nazi episode where Mcall fakes a geneology to make the skin heads think their newest member has a black grand-mother, Fishburn was still "Larry Fishburn". I remember John Goodman, the guy who played Lou in Rocky, James Hong and so many others and of course, the great Rober Michum.
I could go on for hours on how much I love and miss that damn fine show!
35 MALCOLM XERXES from MANCHESTER, ENGLAND: I had seen all the episodes of CALLAN® when I was a boy in Salford, Manchester (later reading the books as an adult), so it was literally a dream come true when, during shooting of Season V of La Femme NIKITA®, I was permitted to work with him and to watch him in action!
I can say without fear of contradiction that he is the finest actor with whom I have ever had the privilege of working, and a complete gentleman, as one would expect.
I was engaged as a Stuntman/Actor for Seasons II - V of LFN, and had done episodes with MS. SIAN PHILLIPS, but had not met her, so when I reported for my wardrobe fitting for Episode #508, I sat on the leather couch at the studio, as usual.
Episode #507 was being shot at that time, and MR. WOODWARD came strolling past me, twirling the cane his character used in the series!
I had not known that he was involved with the series at this point, as the last episode in which I had appeared was Episode #502, so my immediate mental reaction was:
"Crikey, CALLAN® just walked past me! THE bleedin' EQUALISER® just passed within 3' of me!"
Naturally, on the outside, I maintained my sang froid demeanour, as I had no wish to cause disquiet to him or anyone else, so I had my fitting, while all the time, he walked past the door of the Wardrobe Department, humming gently to himself.
When MR. MIC JONES, the Stunt Co-ordinator, came out to meet me, he laughed himself silly, as he had KNOWN that I would nearly wet myself when I saw that MR. WOODWARD was in the programme, and he & the other stunt personnel took great pleasure in giving me the gears for the remainer of the afternoon.
I asked whether it would be all right for me to observe him at work, and was assured that it would be so. The episode was being directed by one of my favourite directors, with whom I had worked several times in the past, M. RENE BONNIERE, so I knew that I was in for a treat.
I repaired to the studio between takes, where I found that MR. WOODWARD was the first on set for makeup, and was immediately greeted by M. BONNIERE, who waited patiently for the shot to be set up.
When MR. WOODWARD finished and was on his way to shoot the scene, I introduced myself and told him how much his work on CALLAN had influenced my career, to which he responded:
"CALLAN®! Good Lord! That WAS a long time ago! You don't look old enough to remember that, son! Sure you don't mean THE EQUALISER®?"
I replied that I also enjoyed his work in that programme, then outlined my theory that CALLAN had faked his own death, then emigrated to America, becoming ROBERT McCALL, which caused him to roar with laughter.
By this time, M. DUPUIS & MS. WILSON had returned from their respective dressing rooms, had their makeups applied, and were ready to resume work.
"See me afterwards, and we'll talk some more about CALLAN. Why don't you stay and watch for awhile? I won't be long, and this is my final shot of the day."
I nearly had heart failure, but I said, coolly,
"Yes, sir, thank you, sir; I should like that very much."
The scene being shot was the one wherein MR. JONES tells NIKITA & MICHAEL that OPERATIONS was killed while saving ADAM, and what a bloody education it was!
When his co-stars spoke, I couldn't make out a word, and the boom mic' would dip to within inches of their heads.
When MR. WOODWARD spoke, the boom mic' backed off several feet, and from where I stood, at least 40' away, I heard every syllable he uttered, as crisply & cleanly as though I stood beside him, listening to him snapping British currency in his fingertips!
His takes were spot on each time, while his colleagues required something like 9 takes, a testament to his economical, disciplined Style & Technique.
I was immeasurably prouder than usual to be a Briton on that day!
"What a killer Classical actor he must be!" thought I to myself, as my scalp tingled with each vowel & consonant that cascaded from his lips.
When finally he was wrapped, I offered to escort him to his dressing room, hoping to pump him for intel on the way.
"Still can't find the way back to my bloody dressing room on my own," he said with good humour, and I asked him whether he would mind my asking his advice about SHAKESPEARE, to which he replied with some eagerness,
"'Mind'? I should say not! What would you like to know?"
I explained that I had been cast in a production of HAMLET in the role of LAERTES, and inquired whether he might have any useful tips he might like to impart, whether germaine to that role in specific, or SHAKESPEAREAN acting in general.
"Have you? GOOD for you! You have a beautiful speaking voice, and excellent posture, so I imagine that you're more than a match for your HAMLET, whomever he is. When do you open?"
Next Monday, I told him.
"Blast! I'm flying back home on Sunday afternoon, so I can't come, I'm afraid, but I'll tell you about when I played LAERTES opposite [SIR] MICHAEL REDGRAVE at Stratford."
You could have knocked me over with a feather!
By this time, we had arrived at his dressing room, and he invited me in to sit. Would I like some tea? Coffee? No?
He then told me of how he had found the greatest challenge in the role had been to sustain an energetic throughline between the start of the play to the end, and that this had been accomplished by holding onto his resentment of the Stratford hierarchy, rooted as it was in British Public School snobbery.
"MICHAEL REDGRAVE was very good in the part, but not an easy man to get along with, and not a very disciplined fencer, I'm sorry to say."
I could not believe my good fortune, to be made the recipient of such candid revelations from such a great man.
He said that the main thing I should remember was to hang onto my own voice & dialect in the part, as LAERTES is "essentially a Working Class character, which is revealed when he talks to OPHELIA before leaving for France," and that I would be fine, as long as I knew my lines and the fights by heart.
He talked to me for nearly an hour - on his own time! - before I thanked him, not wishing to overstay my welcome, and not wishing to tire him out.
He again expressed regret that he would not be able to attend the opening of HAMLET, but wished me the best of luck, and said that he was glad that I had not abandoned the stage for the screen, as it was important to sustain one's spirit through the discipline that is Live Theatre.
Shortly afterward, I discovered your excellent website, and heard his voice reading HAMLET in an episode of THE LONE GUNMEN®!
I hope to have the honour of working with him again in the near future, even if I must swim an ocean to make it happen.
Please carry on your great work on his & our behalf.
"...Be seeing you!"
WD 2nd TEAM LEADER - Intel Retrieval
LFFF #52
34 Willem Bosch from Vancouver, Canada: I grew up with readig about heroes and when The Equalizer came on TV, both me and my future brther-in-law would be glued to the screen.
I'll never forget the impression that somewhere, someone could equalize the difference and it has inspired me ever since.
Both My Brother, My brother-in-law and myself were also impressed that he drove a Jaguar, our favourite car!!
33 Hans from THE NETHERLANDS: I'd like to pay tribute to the Equalizer-series. Ever since I watched in the late eightees I wished I could see it again. Main attraction is Mickey (I share that with Petra (see below)), whose hilarious one-liners and statements have caused a truck load full of Smileys :-). Hope to be as cute as he is... Haven't seen such a well made series ever since. And the violence in it? Well that's your world today; and you better pray that some Mickey is willing to stick his finger in the fan when the need is extreme and the need is immediate.
32 Larry Roberts from Canada: Having basically grown up in front of the tube, I can truthfully say that really good tv series are pretty rare. Watching "The Equalizer," you can tell that everyone involved was really trying to make a quality show. With an excellent lead, top-knotch supporting actors, good writing, and high-end production values, this show had it all. Kudos to all those involved! It is still one of my all-time favorites!
31 Stephen from West Midlands: The Equalizer was a dark show with interesting stories throughout. I liked it because it was something different. Robert McCall wasn't an action man, he didn't jump onto cars, he didn't engage in fisticuffs (well, not much) but he had an aura of menace around him. When he took on a job, the bad guys knew that their days were numbered. He was pretty much a Dark Avenger.
30 Petra from The Netherlands: I love The Equalizer. Here in Holland they don't run the show anymore *bummer* but I have bought some videotapes ( from other people)of The equalizer.
And I just love it. Especially Mickey Kostmayer (Keith Szarabajka).
He is so CUTEEEEE and his voice is so sexyyyyyy.
29 Dave Brown from Rohnert Park, California: I have many fond memories of Edward Woodward & The Equalizer but the thing I never forget is that Robert McCall always pointed at people with his thumb.
28 Kaye Tucker from Australia: I have enjoyed all the equalizer series, but can't say which one would be a favourite. His TV series "Callan" were true classics. Edward Woodward is an amazing actor and singer. I have all of his LP's and the only CD that I have been able to find. He has a magnificent voice. I have seen him in a live play in Western Australia. To me he is much better than any "James Bond". I feel that he is a much underrated actor and singer and will probably ony be truly appreciated when he is no longer with us.
27 sandie from UK: I loved the series first time it was shown over here in the UK.....second time around I must admit that Mickey Kostmayer was kinda yummy.
Keith zarabajka still has the looks and what a voice !?!
26 Tracey from Colorado, USA: I am so happy to see such enthusiastic fans of this fascinating programme. British Operatives.... and McCall is as sexy as the Original 007 still is.....
25 Joanna from Dorset: The Equalizer is one of my favourite programmes. Whatever happened to Keith Szarabajka? I loved his character Mickey Kostmayer; he and Edward Woodward made such a great team.
24 Harvey from England: My favourite episode is the one where McCall & Mickey rescue a kidnapped girl. The best moment is when McCall opens the trunk of his Jag to reveal to Mickey a LOT of guns describing it as a "Candy Store".
23 Tara Hominy from Houston, Texas: That's my alias. I'm the spy who came in from the south. Seriously, though, I am a Woodward fan, through and through. I'd seen him all my life in various movies, including "Breaker Morant" where he sang, but it was as Robert McCall that I most enjoyed him. I've had a thing for British spies since "Secret Agent" and "The Prisoner", not to forget Bond, James Bond. My father had a friend who actually was a spook and flew for Air America. He looked a great deal like McCall. We teased him about that and he got a kick out of it, God rest his soul. McCall was cool, even in his anger, and he brooked no nonsense from the company. His gadgets were high-tech and his black Jag was sleek and almost too little for him. I always waited breathlessly for him to get in without bumping his head on the roofline. My favorite episode was when one of Woodward's sons played his "father" in a flashback. That was pathos. What a fine actor. Currently, I am enjoying his son on the History Channel. Like father, like son! This lady loves McCall! Where's my classified ad...
22 Christopher Dalton from Louisville, Kentucky: The best memory of The Equalizer for me, was the two-part episode that guest starred Telly Savalas. That was pure action and drama at its finest. To this day, The Equalizer is one of my favorite television shows.
21 Michele Gardner from Jupiter, Florida: The equalizer show has been my all time favorite show. It is the best. Edward Woodward is one of the most classic and finest actors ever. I loved him in the Equalizer.
20 R. G. Lecky from New Jersey: I had the pleasure of working as a caterer on the show back in the last season and ran in to Mr W. on set at the old 23rd street pier studios. He was gracious and quite witty with his slightly cockney/earthy laugh as I told him that I had been hoping to get assigned to the show for some time. A regular guy's guy. We looked up at the the green awning prop for Pete O'Phlean's suspended from the ceiling and wondered what would become of all of the props from the show. The wrap party was a boisterous and happy affair. Kind of like an Irish wake. I'll never forget it him saying " you never know " meaning that we might all be back doing this again some day.
19 Patrick Grover from Maine, temporarily exiled to California: I first saw Equalizer on A&E weekday mornings on my days off and soon looked forward to my days off in large part because of the show. I think for many of us, McCall filled a need for a hero who used force only when necessary to protect ordinary people from the worst of the worst. Often, he was able to use a variety of resources to solve the problem, setting an example of prudence and restraint. Don't many of us wish to be as cultured but, when necessary, tough as nails as Robert McCall?
18 mark osborne from: who could ever forget Edward Woodwood on a thursday night I always stayed in for that puppy. It was my highlight of the week..
17 Penny from Grimsby: My favorite episode is the one where Mickey was brain washed
16 Liam Rice from haydock: Mystery of Manon - Great episode! Pilot episode is very good, as are all the rest. What a tremendous series, superb music, great acting, out of this world backdrops. My favourite programme....ever! I'm only 20, so don't remember it first time round, started watching mid 90's when shown @ 10.40pm on Granada (itv) then moved later.
15 Mark from Canada: My favorite episode: The 2-part episode where McCall comes to the aid of an old friend (played by Anthony Zerbe)& and his daughter---only to find out that HE (McCall) is the real father.
14 Elena from Italy: I love The Equalizer because it is one of my favorite tv series and because i like Edward Woodward-he is great!
13 CHERYL from ENGLAND: I loved The Equalizer because Edward Woodward played a very good part in it, but the one I liked most was the one with Kevin Spacey in it.
12 maggie from leeds: I think the exchange between Robert and Mickey in China Rain regarding the diversion was very clever and funny, and set the scene for the development of their close relationship. For those who don't remember: McCall, "I've arranged a diversion." Mickey, "what do we need a diversion for, just kick the door down and hose the room." McCall, "there's a small boy up there." Mickey, "oh yeah. We need a diversion." Classic!
11 Doone from Cardiff: Keith Szarabajka... Those looks, that voice... who needs more???
10 Samanta from Yorkshire: For me the defining moment was when they suspended Mickey in a giant tank of water wearing nothing but a little white towel!
9 Bev Goss from Blackburn, Lancashire: I have recently got digital cable, so have only recently started watching one of my all time favorite shows. The Equalizer was the absolute must watch TV show in the late 80's. I literally revolved my week around it. I hope you carry on showing all the episodes, as I have a lot of catching up to do.
8 Lee West from Derbyshire: Equalizer is a great series with some great acting talent. I think one of the best bits for me was in the episode where Mickey is suspended in a tank and brainwashed. The acting from him and Edward is tremendous. I also love the episode where Edward & Michelle appear. I first saw Equalizer when it originally came out and it is still gripping stuff.
7 Janice Swailes from Durham: Best bit about Equaliser has got to be Mickey aka Keith Szarabajka. Apart from Mickey Edward Woodward portrays the character of McCall to a T. Makes you feel safe thinking that there is a sensible Englishman in the CIA - sorry The Company - but then again McCall left and went solo didn't he - worrying!
6 STEPHEN MOSS from CHESHIRE: I think The Equalizer is a great series which deals with many strong issues. The characters, more notable that of Robert McCall played excellently by the great Edward Woodward are also excellent.
I particularly enjoyed the episodes with Robert McCall and Mickey Kostmayer (played by Keith Szarabajka) teamed together. I also enjoyed the episodes with McCall and his son Scott (played by William Zabka).
Overall, The Equalizer is a great series which has never lost its appeal, even by todays standards.
5 Ryan from London: Well apart from Edward Woodwards brilliant acting I absolutly love Stewart Copelands theme and music score. To this day it still seems ahead of its time.
4 Jayne from North Wales: I remember that first time i saw the Equalizer, it was high performance. I remember I was supposed to be revising for our end of year maths exam. I glanced over and started watching.
There was Edward and another actor called Keith Szarabajka. My heart just jumped. I thought Keith was the best looking guy i had seen on TV. Every week after that I looked out for his character Mickey Kostmayer.
Also the Equalizer was the reason I wanted a jaguar. Never got a jaguar, and in that year I came top in my maths exam.
3 Morag Gordon from Devon: The portrayal of Robert McCall by Edward Woodward is superb, not to mention the great script, locations and direction. The whole atmosphere of the show, made it cutting edge then, and now. It made you think, and hooked you right from the beginning. Edward Woodward defined the character right from the start, and developed the charater to a three dimensional level, instead of falling into the trap of letting the gun do all the talking, he let his character try and find another way. Although in most of the series, he did have to use his gun, he let his character have regrets about using it, and did not glorify the use. Also in developing the character of Robert McCall, Mr Woodward not only made him tough with personalitly, but gave him a sense of humour, and a certain amount of softness which was believable. But the best thing about the portrayal had to be the "look" that Robert McCall could call up on demand. It was a "look" that at once told you he was mad, but also that he was very dangerously calm about it all. When you get the "look" from McCall, you know what's coming. Although the show was made in the eighties, i think it still dates well today, and is finding a whole new audience with today's viewers. It is, and always will be, one of the better shows to be produced in the eighties.
2 Diane Bell from Kent: It's impossible to choose a favourite programme, as there are so many good ones. I like the Equalizer because it keeps you on your toes, has some action in it and always has a happy ending.
1 Rachel Arnup from Norwich: It has been one of my favourite shows since it went out originally in the 1980s and again in the early 1990s. The acting is superb and the storylines exciting and interesting. The multitude of supporting characters stops it from being just the main character to concentrate on, though Edward Woodward does make Robert McCall a very interesting and complex person!! Top entertainment taking me back to my childhood and teenage years with great pleasure.